Erasure of Data stored on Magnetic Media
The general concept behind an overwriting scheme is to flip each magnetic domain on the disk back and forth as much as possible (this is the basic idea behind degaussing) without writing the same pattern twice in a row. If the data was encoded directly, we could simply choose the desired overwrite pattern of ones and zeroes and write it repeatedly. However, disks generally use some form of run-length limited (RLL) encoding, so that the adjacent ones won't be written. This encoding is used to ensure that transitions aren't placed too closely together, or too far apart, which would mean the drive would lose track of where it was in the data.
To erase magnetic media, we need to overwrite it many times with alternating patterns in order to expose it to a magnetic field oscillating fast enough that it does the desired flipping of the magnetic domains in a reasonable amount of time. Unfortunately, there is a complication in that we need to saturate the disk surface to the greatest depth possible, and very high frequency signals only "scratch the surface" of the magnetic medium. Disk drive manufacturers, in trying to achieve ever-higher densities, use the highest possible frequencies, whereas we really require the lowest frequency a disk drive can produce. Even this is still rather high. The best we can do is to use the lowest frequency possible for overwrites, to penetrate as deeply as possible into the recording medium.
The write frequency also determines how effectively previous data can be overwritten due to the dependence of the field needed to cause magnetic switching on the length of time the field is applied. Tests on a number of typical disk drive heads have shown a difference of up to 20 dB in overwrite performance when data recorded at 40 kFCI (flux changes per inch), typical of recent disk drives, is overwritten with a signal varying from 0 to 100 kFCI. The best average performance for the various heads appears to be with an overwrite signal of around 10 kFCI, with the worst performance being at 100 kFCI [12]. The track write width is also affected by the write frequency - as the frequency increases, the write width decreases for both MR and TFI heads. In [13] there was a decrease in write width of around 20% as the write frequency was increased from 1 to 40 kFCI, with the decrease being most marked at the high end of the frequency range. However, the decrease in write width is balanced by a corresponding increase in the two side- erase bands so that the sum of the two remains nearly constant with frequency and equal to the DC erase width for the head. The media coercivity also affects the width of the write and erase bands, with their width dropping as the coercivity increases (this is one of the explanations for the ever-increasing coercivity of newer, higher-density drives).
To try to write the lowest possible frequency we must determine what decoded data to write to produce a low-frequency encoded signal.
In order to understand the theory behind the choice of data patterns to write, it is necessary to take a brief look at the recording methods used in disk drives. The main limit on recording density is that as the bit density is increased, the peaks in the analog signal recorded on the media are read at a rate which may cause them to appear to overlap, creating intersymbol interference which leads to data errors. Traditional peak detector read channels try to reduce the possibility of intersymbol interference by coding data in such a way that the analog signal peaks are separated as far as possible. The read circuitry can then accurately detect the peaks (actually the head itself only detects transitions in magnetisation, so the simplest recording code uses a transition to encode a 1 and the absence of a transition to encode a 0. The transition causes a positive/negative peak in the head output voltage (thus the name "peak detector read channel"). To recover the data, we differentiate the output and look for the zero crossings). Since a long string of 0's will make clocking difficult, we need to set a limit on the maximum consecutive number of 0's. The separation of peaks is implemented as some form of run-length-limited, or RLL, coding.
The RLL encoding used in most current drives is described by pairs of run-length limits (d, k), where d is the minimum number of 0 symbols which must occur between each 1 symbol in the encoded data, and k is the maximum. The parameters (d, k) are chosen to place adjacent 1's far enough apart to avoid problems with intersymbol interference, but not so far apart that we lose synchronisation.
The grandfather of all RLL codes was FM, which wrote one user data bit followed by one clock bit, so that a 1 bit was encoded as two transitions (1 wavelength) while a 0 bit was encoded as one transition (« wavelength). A different approach was taken in modified FM (MFM), which suppresses the clock bit except between adjacent 0's (the ambiguity in the use of the term MFM is unfortunate. From here on it will be used to refer to modified FM rather than magnetic force microscopy). Taking three example sequences 0000, 1111, and 1010, these will be encoded as 0(1)0(1)0(1)0, 1(0)1(0)1(0)1, and 1(0)0(0)1(0)0 (where the ()s are the clock bits inserted by the encoding process). The maximum time between 1 bits is now three 0 bits (so that the peaks are no more than four encoded time periods apart), and there is always at least one 0 bit (so that the peaks in the analog signal are at least two encoded time periods apart), resulting in a (1,3) RLL code. (1,3) RLL/MFM is the oldest code still in general use today, but is only really used in floppy drives which need to remain backwards-compatible.
These constraints help avoid intersymbol interference, but the need to separate the peaks reduces the recording density and therefore the amount of data which can be stored on a disk. To increase the recording density, MFM was gradually replaced by (2,7) RLL (the original "RLL" format), and that in turn by (1,7) RLL, each of which placed less constraints on the recorded signal.
Using our knowledge of how the data is encoded, we can now choose which decoded data patterns to write in order to obtain the desired encoded signal. The three encoding methods described above cover the vast majority of magnetic disk drives. However, each of these has several possible variants. With MFM, only one is used with any frequency, but the newest (1,7) RLL code has at least half a dozen variants in use. For MFM with at most four bit times between transitions, the lowest write frequency possible is attained by writing the repeating decoded data patterns 1010 and 0101. These have a 1 bit every other "data" bit, and the intervening "clock" bits are all 0. We would also like patterns with every other clock bit set to 1 and all others set to 0, but these are not possible in the MFM encoding (such "violations" are used to generate special marks on the disk to identify sector boundaries). The best we can do here is three bit times between transitions, which is generated by repeating the decoded patterns 100100, 010010 and 001001. We should use several passes with these patterns, as MFM drives are the oldest, lowest-density drives around (this is especially true for the very-low-density floppy drives). As such, they are the easiest to recover data from with modern equipment and we need to take the most care with them.
From MFM we jump to the next simplest case, which is (1,7) RLL. Although there can be as many as 8 bit times between transitions, the lowest sustained frequency we can have in practice is 6 bit times between transitions. This is a desirable property from the point of view of the clock-recovery circuitry, and all (1,7) RLL codes seem to have this property. We now need to find a way to write the desired pattern without knowing the particular (1,7) RLL code used. We can do this by looking at the way the drives error-correction system works. The error- correction is applied to the decoded data, even though errors generally occur in the encoded data. In order to make this work well, the data encoding should have limited error amplification, so that an erroneous encoded bit should affect only a small, finite number of decoded bits.
Decoded bits therefore depend only on nearby encoded bits, so that a repeating pattern of encoded bits will correspond to a repeating pattern of decoded bits. The repeating pattern of encoded bits is 6 bits long. Since the rate of the code is 2/3, this corresponds to a repeating pattern of 4 decoded bits. There are only 16 possibilities for this pattern, making it feasible to write all of them during the erase process. So to achieve good overwriting of (1,7) RLL disks, we write the patterns 0000, 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 0111, 1000, 1001, 1010, 1011, 1100, 1101, 1110, and 1111. These patterns also conveniently cover two of the ones needed for MFM overwrites, although we should add a few more iterations of the MFM-specific patterns for the reasons given above.
Finally, we have (2,7) RLL drives. These are similar to MFM in that an eight-bit-time signal can be written in some phases, but not all. A six-bit-time signal will fill in the remaining cracks. Using a « encoding rate, an eight-bit-time signal corresponds to a repeating pattern of 4 data bits. The most common (2,7) RLL code is shown below:
The most common (2,7) RLL Code Decoded Data (2,7) RLL Encoded Data
00 1000
01 0100
100 001000
101 100100
111 000100
1100 00001000
1101 00100100
The second most common (2,7) RLL code is the same but with the "decoded data" complemented, which doesn't alter these patterns. Writing the required encoded data can be achieved for every other phase using patterns of 0x33, 0x66, 0xCC and 0x99, which are already written for (1,7) RLL drives.
Six-bit-time patterns can be written using 3-bit repeating patterns. The all-zero and all-one patterns overlap with the (1,7) RLL patterns, leaving six others:
2 4 9 2 4 9
in binary or 0x24 0x92 0x49, 0x92 0x49 0x24 and 0x49 0x24 0x92 in hex, and
6 D B 6 D B
in binary or 0x6D 0xB6 0xDB, 0xB6 0xDB 0x6D and 0xDB 0x6D 0xB6 in hex. The first three are the same as the MFM patterns, so we need only three extra patterns to cover (2,7) RLL drives.
Although (1,7) is more popular in recent (post-1990) drives, some older hard drives do still use (2,7) RLL, and with the ever-increasing reliability of newer drives it is likely that they will remain in use for some time to come, often being passed down from one machine to another. The above three patterns also cover any problems with endianness issues, which weren't a concern in the previous two cases, but would be in this case (actually, thanks to the strong influence of IBM mainframe drives, everything seems to be uniformly big-endian within bytes, with the most significant bit being written to the disk first).
The latest high-density drives use methods like Partial-Response Maximum-Likelihood (PRML) encoding, which may be roughly equated to the trellis encoding done by V.32 modems in that it is effective but computationally expensive. PRML codes are still RLL codes, but with somewhat different constraints. A typical code might have (0,4,4) constraints in which the 0 means that 1's in a data stream can occur right next to 0's (so that peaks in the analog readback signal are not separated), the first 4 means that there can be no more than four 0's between 1's in a data stream, and the second 4 specifies the maximum number of 0's between 1's in certain symbol subsequences. PRML codes avoid intersymbol influence errors by using digital filtering techniques to shape the read signal to exhibit desired frequency and timing characteristics (this is the "partial response" part of PRML) followed by maximum- likelihood digital data detection to determine the most likely sequence of data bits that was written to the disk (this is the "maximum likelihood" part of PRML). PRML channels achieve the same low bit error rate as standard peak-detection methods, but with much higher recording densities, while using the same heads and media. Several manufacturers are currently engaged in moving their peak-detection-based product lines across to PRML, giving a 30-40% density increase over standard RLL channels [14].
Since PRML codes don't try to separate peaks in the same way that non-PRML RLL codes do, all we can do is to write a variety of random patterns because the processing inside the drive is too complex to second- guess. Fortunately, these drives push the limits of the magnetic media much more than older drives ever did by encoding data with much smaller magnetic domains, closer to the physical capacity of the magnetic media (the current state of the art in PRML drives has a track density of around 6700 TPI (tracks per inch) and a data recording density of 170 kFCI, nearly double that of the nearest (1,7) RLL equivalent. A convenient side-effect of these very high recording densities is that a written transition may experience the write field cycles for successive transitions, especially at the track edges where the field distribution is much broader [15]. Since this is also where remnant data is most likely to be found, this can only help in reducing the recoverability of the data). If these drives require sophisticated signal processing just to read the most recently written data, reading overwritten layers is also correspondingly more difficult. A good scrubbing with random data will do about as well as can be expected.
We now have a set of 22 overwrite patterns which should erase everything, regardless of the raw encoding. The basic disk eraser can be improved slightly by adding random passes before and after the erase process, and by performing the deterministic passes in random order to make it more difficult to guess which of the known data passes were made at which point. To deal with all this in the overwrite process, we use the sequence of 35 consecutive writes shown below:
The MFM-specific patterns are repeated twice because MFM drives have the lowest density and are thus particularly easy to examine. The deterministic patterns between the random writes are permuted before the write is performed, to make it more difficult for an opponent to use knowledge of the erasure data written to attempt to recover overwritten data (in fact we need to use a cryptographically strong random number generator to perform the permutations to avoid the problem of an opponent who can read the last overwrite pass being able to predict the previous passes and "echo cancel" passes by subtracting the known overwrite data).
If the device being written to supports caching or buffering of data, this should be disabled to ensure that physical disk writes are performed for each pass instead of everything but the last pass being lost in the buffering. For example physical disk access can be forced during SCSI-2 Group 1 write commands by setting the Force Unit Access bit in the SCSI command block (although at least one popular drive has a bug which causes all writes to be ignored when this bit is set - remember to test your overwrite scheme before you deploy it). Another consideration which needs to be taken into account when trying to erase data through software is that drives conforming to some of the higher-level protocols such as the various SCSI standards are relatively free to interpret commands sent to them in whichever way they choose (as long as they still conform to the SCSI specification). Thus some drives, if sent a FORMAT UNIT command may return immediately without performing any action, may simply perform a read test on the entire disk (the most common option), or may actually write data to the disk (the SCSI- 2 standard includes an initialization pattern (IP) option for the FORMAT UNIT command, however this is not necessarily supported by existing drives).
If the data is very sensitive and is stored on floppy disk, it can best be destroyed by removing the media from the disk liner and burning it, or by burning the entire disk, liner and all (most floppy disks burn remarkably well - albeit with quantities of oily smoke - and leave very little residue).